for foreigners,
work permits for foreigners,
and gaining
Egyptian nationality

Foreigners' residency services, work permit extraction and Egyptian citizenship are provided through a team of burning and long experience in dealing with the Passports and Immigration Department and the Ministry of Manpower and Directorates.

First: Foreigners' Residencies

Foreigners' stay in Egypt has many types:

Private residence

Procedure for performing service: - 10 years renewable, authorized for foreigners born in Egypt prior to 26/5/1952 or residing in Egypt for 20 years prior to 26/5/1952.

2. Normal accommodation

Procedure for performing service: - Five years renewable and authorized for foreigners residing in Egypt continuously for 15 years prior to 26/5/1952 and their minor children. They can obtain leave of absence outside the country from the interest free of charge if they wish to be absent outside more than six months before departure or who suffers from the consulate abroad after departure and six months before the date of residence. no longer than two years' absence except in cases of study or compulsory military service


Justification for five years' temporary residence (five-year residence): A five-year residence permit may be renewed for foreigners from the following contracts. Foreign investors, their wives and children - Egyptians who have lost their Egyptian citizenship as a result of permission to naturalize with foreign nationality - while not retaining Egyptian citizenship, such as their minor children covered by the time: children and them. Children of the Egyptian mother, who granted their children Egyptian citizenship. Children who have reached the age of majority shall be guaranteed their mothers who are authorized to reside privately, ordinarily or in their personal capacity in the event of the death of the father over 60 years of age and have settled in the country for a period of 10 years and have means of subsistence for the foreign country who is required by international conventions to be authorized to reside in the country for a period of five years.

Wives and widows of Egyptians Wives of foreigners licensed in ordinary residence Wives and children of foreigners authorized in five-year residence in previous cases

4. Triple residence.

Justification for granting three years' temporary residence:

Three years' residence permit may be renewed for foreigners of the following technicians: -

Foreigners husbands of Egyptians.

Minor children who are authorized to live in private or ordinary residence in the same manner as their father in the event of the death of children of majority age shall be authorized on charges of private, ordinary or triple residence provided that there is a resource to live in. Palestinian adults are male employees of the Governor's administration or pension transfers who have completed their studies in the country and do not work in the country - government workers, public bodies, public sector companies and the business sector. Palestinians working in the administration and transferring them to a pension - Shinian holders of travel documents issued by the Egyptian authorities who settled their status and resided for a previous 10 years and have means of living in the country - father who receives monthly subsidies from the National Insurance and Pensions Authority.

Shelter inmates are disabled, old people. Registered refugees with United Nations refugee offices. Political refugees. Widow of an alien licensed in private and ordinary residence. Wives of Whyte foreigners with disabilities from residence restrictions or permits. Foreigners whose right to private or ordinary residence has fallen for any CIB-. Foreigners working at the Swiss Institute of Ancient Architectural and Antiquities in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Foreigners under international conventions who are authorized to stay in tripartite residence. approved by the Minister of the Interior for the granting of tripartite residence to the wives and children of foreigners authorized for tripartite residence in previous cases

5. Temporary residence for non-tourism.

Justification for a year's residence permit for non-tourism workers in government, public bodies, the public sector, local government units or business companies - Their wives and children are also licensed places in the private and investment sector under a work permit from the Ministry of Manpower and Employment and their wives and children, as are those studying in universities, institutes and schools on the basis of school enrolment certificates

Students at universities, institutes and schools based on the certificates of enrolment of parents and students studying in the country. Those who have received this residence for the purpose of studying, foreigners coming to the children to do voluntary work at their own expense. Egyptian spouses - Licensed to stay for one year under the bail of Egyptian wife children over the age of majority authorized to reside under work permits from the Ministry of Manpower and Employment - Parents and mothers of the five-year investor licensed to guarantee the investor's place of residence, and upon a letter of recommendation from the Investment Authority - divorced Egyptian foster children of Egyptian husbands and minor children of foreign nationals authorized to stay temporarily as a person who owns property under real estate contracts registered in the real estate month and their wives and children - provided that the value of the property is not less than 50,000 (Fifty thousand United States dollars) - transferred through an Egyptian bank relatives of Egyptians up to the second degree aged over 50 years, who made the country five years continuous, and have means of subsistence or sponsorship of a relative up to the fourth degree

6. Temporary accommodation for tourism: -

The procedure for performing the service for a maximum period of one year renewable in licences for tourism, visit or treatment at the end of the stay in Egypt may be approved within 15 days immediately following the end of the stay through the immunity of the country. In case of wishing to renew the residency other duration, apply for the interest or one of its geographical branches.

Second: Foreigners' work permits:

A request is submitted to the Ministry of Manpower requesting the recruitment of employment {first time to work in the Republic and the following requires that the alien be present outside the Republic. (The inclination facility requested the company paper in the name of Mr. Head of the Central Employment Administration and Labour Market Assignments requesting the recruitment of foreigners {the required paperwork will be supplied after we have delivered the required business registry of the establishment + tax card + establishment contract + the company newspaper is a benevolent certificate of foreigners for not less than three years certified, documented and translated by an official office to be compatible with the painted profession letter of 2 Ingladesh. The existence of a contract of employment documented by the foreign State of the alien and the Egyptian consulate in the alien's State is required to be approved by the Egyptian foreign state of Egypt.

Third: Acquiring Egyptian citizenship


A monkey's acquisition of nationality after birth, which is known as Tarnah nationality, is contrary to the original nationality acquired by an individual upon birth. Act No. 26 of 1975, as amended by Act No. 154 of 2004, establishes three grounds for acquiring Egyptian nationality as follows:

Article 2 of Act No. 26 of 1975, as amended by Act No. 154 of 2004, stipulates that an Egyptian shall be a child of an Egyptian father or an Egyptian mother.

Article 2 of Act No. 26 of 1975, as amended by Act No. 154 of 2004, stipulates that "anyone born to an Egyptian father or to an Egyptian mother shall be Egyptian". A bastard in Egypt is considered born in Egypt unless the contrary is proven. A person found to have foreign nationality in addition to Egyptian nationality, in accordance with the preceding paragraph. the Minister of the Interior to declare his wish to renounce Egyptian nationality, The declaration of this intention shall be made to the minor by the legal guardian, the mother or the educator in the absence of either of them and the minor from whom the Egyptian nationality has been removed, in accordance with the preceding paragraph. to declare its wish to be recovered during the year following the attainment of majority and to issue the procedures and dates for the implementation of the provisions of the preceding paragraphs a decision of the Minister of the Interior. The decision on the disappearance of Egyptian nationality by renunciation or restitution shall be in accordance with these provisions by decision and article III provides a paragraph 1 "Anyone born to an Egyptian mother and a non-Egyptian father prior to the date of this Act shall declare his wish to enjoy Egyptian nationality. Egypt is deemed to have issued a decision to do so by the Minister or to serve a period of six years from the date of the announcement, without an abandoned decision to refuse it.

Article 7 of Act No. 26 of 1975 stipulates that a foreigner who marries an Egyptian shall not acquire his nationality by marriage unless the Minister of the Interior declares that she wishes to do so and the marriage is not terminated two years before the date of the announcement of the husband's death. The Minister of the Interior may, prior to the forces of two years' imprisonment of the wife from acquiring Egyptian nationality. Article 8 of the same law stipulates: "If the alien acquires Egyptian nationality in accordance with the provisions of the preceding articles, she shall not lose it at the end of her marriage unless she regains her foreign nationality or marries an alien and enters into his nationality in accordance with the law of this nationality by naturalization: Act No. 26 of 1975 establishes six cases of naturalization by Egyptian nationality as follows:

Act No. 26 of 1975 establishes six cases of Egyptian nationality as follows: naturalization based on birth in Egypt, Egyptian origin of the mother, regular residence based on Egyptian origin, regular residence in Egypt for five years. Naturalization based on double birth in Egypt, membership in an Arab or Islamic country based on birth in Egypt and normal residence in Egypt upon reaching the age of majority.

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